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Celestia is feeling maternally nostalgic, Twilight accidentally turns her body into that of a filly, and Luna experiences the joy of being an aunt. Also; Trixie will eventually become a guard for a day, Discord will at some point have a few good laughs, and Spike will have to deal with his big sister suddenly being shorter than him when he's actually informed.

This is a Twilight/Celestia mother-figure/daughter-figure family fluff filled story stuck together with humor. Pretend this thing has a fluff tag. Also, there will most likely be no pairings in this story that aren't canon-compliant.

Note: Updates shall be erratic. Very erratic. I apologize in advance.

Chapters (4)

Twilight has always had a facianation for strange magics. Anything new, she instantly tries to find real world scenarios to use them. But during one of her bi-weekly sleepovers with Rarity and Applejack, she stubles onto an old magic book in the basement while playing hide and seek, its title reads "The Art and Form of Mind Swapping." Shenanigans will ensue.

Artwork by Bebopanimebabe and the picture can be found here!

Chapters (5)

Twilight has become a princess along with becoming an alicorn. Celestia is being bombarded with nobles crying out about Twilight becoming a new princess. Luna has been spending time in Twilight's dream to help her in this new hard time of her life. Luna find some moments hard deal with due to her feelings, but they grow stronger as their friendship grows. Will this things between them change into something more or will they just be really good friends?

Art done by SilverFlitterDragon

Chapters (2)

After an argument with Rainbow Dash about the romance plot in the latest Daring Do issue, Twilight Sparkle constructs a machine that allows two ponies to enter a novel, in order to learn more about Rainbow's obsession with pairing Daring Do with her bookish sidekick Rosetta.

Soon, the two find themselves in a Daring Do adventure, with Rainbow taking the name part and Twilight playing Rosetta. As they deal with ancient jungle ruins, mythical artifacts and old adversaries, Twilight is starting to see the appeal of the pairing.

But after all, it is all just fiction, and what happens in a novel has little to do with the real world, right?

Written for the TwiDash Group's Abandoned Fic Challenge.

Rated Teen for some violence, some very tame makeouts, and a slightly inebriated pony.

Chapters (14)

Set in the 'Youngverse'

One day whilst out practising, Luna gets spooked by a butterfly and accidentally sends it to the moon. Running high on giddiness at her new power, she decides to play several pranks on her sister Celestia.

Surely nothing bad will happen, right?

The first story from Luna's and Celestia's childhood in the 'When they were Young: Luna and Celestia trilogy'.

When they were Young: Luna and Celestia trilogy.
'When They Were Young: The Box Queen and the Dracony' - Part two - Part two
'When They Were Young: Operation: Cookie Liberation' - Part three

Inspired by this comic by the wonderful Flaysch-Katzerl, go and show her art some love.

Thanks to DVAN56 and DisHarmonize for their help!

Chapters (1)

After learning some shocking news about how long she's going to live now that she's an Alicorn (namely, forever), Twilight summons her friends to let them know that their time together is limited. However, their reactions to this information are not quite what she was expecting...

Chapters (1)

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash really enjoy each other's company. So much so that some ponies are beginning to wonder about them. Twilight and Applejack are a couple after all, so its a bit unusual that Rainbow always seems to be invited along. But sometimes, a couple is more than two.

Thanks to Steel Resolve, Lycan_01 and Macdjord for editing and brainstorming!
Cover art by Graystripe64.

Chapters (8)

Have you ever wondered what Spike actually thought?

Chapters (10)

Soarin has everything a stallion could dream of. A job as Wonderbolt, the most beautiful mare at his side and now even a son of his own. Yes, he has everything, so why does he need to sneak out of their house while Rainbow is out, training with the Wonderbolts?

Chapters (1)

This is a story about growing up. It's about chasing far fetched dreams even if it means leaving your home. It's about laughter between friends, maturing relationships, the hard end of trade and sales, and how the ties of friendship, though they may strain and stretch thin between cities, will never be broken. It's about the pursuit of your goals no matter the odds against you, and learning what we truly want won't always be what we first thought.

Flight and life lessons mix for Rainbow Dash, Spike, Scootaloo, and all of their friends as everpony reaches for the sky, supporting each other's dreams and hopes no matter where they may lead them.


Chapters (17)